This is a really great game, and it is always something great to do when i am bored or just want to occupy myself with.
Since it is the lite version, I understand about why we cant have 20 fish per tank and 3 tanks, but at least make it 8 fish per tank so that if you have 4 fish, and you breed all of them, you can have 4 offsprings instead of just 3 randomly chosen out of the 4 potential ones.
BTW: for everyone who keeps complaining about how there isnt enough starting money and its too hard to gain money, this is what you do:
1. DO NOT buy ornaments for the tank until you have a substantial amount of money.
2. KEEP the first magic fish that you find (the magic fish of fertility) in your tank so that you get an extra fish of each -- only do this when you get good selling fish
3. Breed your fish until you find one that is worth a good amount (like the Goldfin Golbulb - its worth about 35), and then mass breed it. This means is just breed as many of them as you can. Once the 2 original fish get sick or die, keep 2 of the type of fish that you are mass breeding and mate them together -- 2 fish of the same kind make the same offspring. Once you think you have a good amount of money or you no longer have anymore fish to mass bree (maybe they died or you by accident sold them), start over with finding fish that can be sold for even more and mass breed those. [ I have been using this trick since the beginning and I have almost 200,000 isola bucks.
4. BE CAREFUL what you spend your money on. Ornaments for exsmple are a waste of money in the beginning. So is researching food and advertising. Focus on getting the magic plants and researching advertising. Hint-- the more expensive eggs are just the product of mixing a few different cheaper fish. Dont waste your money on those right away until you have a lot of money because the rarer the fish or the more expensive the egg, the more researching and plants you need.
Manders_Says about Fish Tycoon Lite